
Donate via Paypal or Amazon Smile!

Donate via Paypal Here

Did you know that by purchasing items from Amazon, you can donate to Kayak New Mexico, Inc.?  Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Kayak New Mexico, Inc. whenever you shop on Amazon Smile.   Choose AmazonSmile for your purchases!  

If you would like to support Kayak New Mexico monetarily, your donation helps us:

  • Provide scholarships for adaptive paddling programs
  • Purchase adaptive equipment, including new and used boats, prosthetics, foam kits and more
  • Subsidize adaptive paddling costs, such as pool or facility rental, liability insurance, volunteer background check costs, online waiver costs,  and equipment.
  • Support volunteers through specialized training.

Your donations help people like Kevin and his mom, who attended one of our adaptive paddling programs in April.  Kevin was a little unsure of kayaking when he first got in. Being non-verbal, he looked at the boats, paddle and myself with great curiosity.  We started off by doing a “wing-man rescue” where I held on to his boat with one hand and used my paddle (with one hand) to move us around the pool. After an hour of so of paddling with Kevin and helping him get used to the feeling, we decided it was his time to paddle on his own.  I gave him my paddle, and to my surprise, he grabbed my boat with one hand, and his paddle in the other and proceeded to do the ‘wing-man’ rescue with me!  This blew my mind, and when I pointed out to the other instructors and his mother what he was trying to do, several broke down in tears. His mother was so excited. A gentle reminder that most communication is non-verbal. 


His mother wrote this the following day:

“Kevin often looks out over the fence as if wishing he could go out into the world and experience things like everyone else.  You gave him the opportunity to do just that. I can’t thank you enough!” Pat S. Belen, NM

There are several ways to make a tax-deductible contribution to Kayak New Mexico, Inc.

  1. Check – checks payable to Kayak New Mexico should be mailed to:
    Kayak New Mexico, Inc.
    c/o Jane Bales
    305 Montana Wells Rd NE
    Rio Rancho, NM 87124
  2. Online – click the link below to be redirected to a secure PayPal donation page

Upon receipt, we will issue a tax-deductible certificate you can use to deduct from your income taxes to the extent permitted by law.  It’s a great way to lower your tax exposure and support a variety of community projects.